About us

We created EFeXpanding to expand the fitness world. This is why we aim to supply the widest range of high quality running gear and sportswear for an affordable price. We want to make your most desired fitness goals quicker and easier to achieve because our community understands that a strong body creates a strong mind, and a strong mind can achieve anything! 

EFeXpanding started during the tragic pandemic between two brothers living in isolation. With limited opportunities and an air of uncertainty about the future the brothers began their journey. While they had nothing to distract themselves from the adversities and restrictions caused by the constant lockdowns; frequent runs and expanding physical health, in any possible way, became a daily routine. 

After months of feeding an unhealthy mental state with a lack of exercise and a poor diet, their bodies started to reflect their recent life choices. Keen on expanding their health, they took action and started "lockdown runs" and "improvised workouts" with limited equipment and accessibility. 

With the incline of their physical health and appearance came along an increase in general happiness and self-confidence in both the brothers. Their journey helped them understand the strong connection between physical and mental health. The results following from their improved lifestyle had been so dramatic it inspired others around them to do the same. After long exanimation of their path to success they spent hours learning how too add value to life and everyone around them, they noticed that adding little things in life can make it better and more enjoyable, expanding into a wealthier life.  

Upon seeing their friends and family benefiting from this philosophy the EFeXpanding vision was born. The brothers wanted to help others by promoting self-improvement in order to be a better, happier version of themselves.

At EFeXpanding we strive to excel in self confidence by pursuing a healthier body and a clearer mind. We thrive under life's problems overcoming adversities and want the same for our community so they can become better in themselves.

We strive for a healthier world; hence why we aspire to lead the market in high quality running gear and sportswear, so that we can make you're journey of personal development, that little bit easier.